Perfectly Timed Photos That Are Simply Outrageous! Try Not To Laugh At #17

The Hair Flip

We know from experience that these kinds of pictures take multiple poses to get it right! Add in the perfect sunset backdrop and cloudy skies? Just wow! This photo is a click that only manages to be captured once in a lifetime; what we would like to know is how they managed to slow down the shot considerably to show water with such clarity!

Without going into too many technical details, it is evident that this really is the perfect example of perfectly timed clicks! Also, can we take a moment to appreciate how stunning the girl is?

Play On Sunshine

This picture is one of our favorites! When you incorporate natural lighting and still objects in your photography, the creativeness gets kicked up several notches higher. The girl in the picture is seen to be sitting nearly barebacked, and it looks like the shadows of a big tree’s leaf are getting cast exactly at the point where the spinal cord is!

The person and the overall aesthetic is quite pleasing and eye-catching! We hope that she got a lot of appreciation on social media, if it ended up being posted because this deserves all the attention!

Water Bender!

Looking at this stunning woman’s facial expression, we are sure that she might be having the best time of her life. Interestingly, she managed to get a perfect picture of the girls-day-out on the beach. If you look closely at the snap, you will realize that the lady seems to be walking on water. We know it might sound a little bit weird.

But believe us, it is just the timing that makes this image look like she’s running on water and having fun. Lastly, do not try this at home, or you’ll end up faceplanting in the water!

Underwater Show

It looks no less than an underwater show performance by professional divers and swimmers. The young girls here have managed to reach the waterbed as we can spot the rocks all around.

The duo here tries to bounce by jumping and rising above the waterbed. This click could have majorly gone wrong because of time delays, but it is definitely clicked by an expert shutterbug who knows how to handle such poses well. If you are scared of water bodies, then this may not be something we recommend. Everything, including the view, is absolutely breathtaking (pun intended).

Giant Drink

If you get the angling right in photography, you are surely to get a brilliant picture. This capture here is excellent proof of that. Owing to the correct angles, it seems as if one woman is trying to serve her friend a giant drink. We love the expression of the girl who is pretending to drink a few sips out of the bottle.

Even the beach backdrop and their swimming outfits add more charm to this picture. If you have even a slight interest in photography, don’t forget to try this one. We can imagine what fun it must’ve been for both parties, posing for and clicking this happy picture!

Cool Photoshoots

The art of photography and editing is something only a few can get right. Whoever has clicked this picture definitely has got it. From the über cool pose of the ladies having a good time at the beach to the missing body portions filled in by the water and sand. How mind-blowingly creative!

This beach photoshoot has to be something never seen before and the brains behind this idea deserve a pat on the back for sure. We now know what kind of picture we want on our next visit to the beach!

Wrong Surf Board?

It seems the woman here has mistaken this human to be a surfboard. Well, whatever it is, we love the skill of both the ladies. One manages to balance while the other takes on the weight of the other woman.
This tactic must have taken a while to get right and is certainly not easy as it looks. Do notice how elegantly they have placed their hands and fingers.

We have to commend the two ladies for this master skill and for giving all the underwater lovers something new to try. Just look at the ease with which the duo are going about this!

Caught in Their Element

If you have ever been to swimming pools in your high school days or university time, then there are chances that you know how difficult it is to swim and win medals for it. Well, these women are professional swimmers and take part in national and international events. But it appears that the man who was taking photos of this competition was an equally creative man.

The photographer managed to capture an intense moment when these girls were initiating their next act, and we are sure that they did it correctly, although we’re over here laughing!

Pool Party Messiah

You must have heard of the religious story where Jesus walked on water but never thought it was actually one of those tricks a regular person could do in a swimming pool at a party. Much to our luck, the internet has a plethora of things we never thought we’d see in our lives!

This shot is so perfectly timed you would have to look more than twice to understand what is going on, but it’s just a guy jumping into the pool with a woman in his arms. Now he’s got a story to tell about the time he was a superhero, and has proof of it too!

Who’s Tummy is it?

After looking at this image, the first thing that comes into our mind is how come this young woman is so obese. Upon looking closely, we realize that the picture’s gigantic belly is not her’s, but it is instead the man’s. Whoever took this photo indeed has a keen eye for small details, and it is pretty challenging to tell who’s tummy it is, right?

Our advice to the man would be to get serious about his health and start shedding some pounds. So, next time when they take such a photo, he can hide behind his wife!

Water Swirl

This picture is just absolutely stunning! The lady in black tried to flip her hair from the water and created a water swirl. What is rather noteworthy about this picture is how the photographer was able to capture the reflection too!

From the pose to the correct timing, everything about this photograph is just exquisite. We cannot miss out on the peaceful location and the palm tree backdrop. Even the palm trees’ mirror image is visible in the water and looks just-so brilliant. Ten on ten to the talented shutterbug for this sharp photo!

Angel Wings

White sands and azure waters always make for a great combination! Whether it is photography-wise or for relaxation purposes. This girl seems to have merged both and got a great picture out of it! Gathering the sand in her hands, she proceeded to throw them in the air and had it captured.

Stating the obvious, she looks fantastic and so does the photo! It also looks like the woman has wings that are creating a mesmerizing effect around her, giving the appearance of an angel. Love the overall vibe!

The Wrong Cream In The Cone

If you go on a trip to some tourist location and you don’t take a cool picture like this one, did you really even go there? It’s all the proof you would have that you saw the Eiffel tour or the Stonehenge, and if you’re looking for inspiration for that great shot, here’s an idea from this brilliant picture.

Yeah, you probably couldn’t tell that it wasn’t your favorite sugary treat on the fly, but we see how great the photographer used perspective to play a trick on us. Still, wouldn’t it be nice to have a cone with that much ice cream in such sunny weather?

Beach Means Fun

We all know that beach calls for fun and a good time! This family or group of friends live up to that and have given us a crazy photograph to see. The eight individuals here showcase their balancing talent, and we have to say they are doing a great job.

To capture this picture at the right moment must have taken time, but most importantly, the struggle to stay still without falling or tripping would have been rather tricky. Kudos to the group for proving that the beach always means fun!

All Heart

The viewers are all heart for this beautiful picture. The girls have swayed their wet hair in such a way that it made the perfect looking heart. The heart could have gone terribly wrong, but what great coordination displayed by the two! Apart from this, even the waters seem to sparkle under the sun and are evidently visible in the capture.

We have a suggestion for the duo, do not forget to frame this photograph and treasure it forever. It certainly is a moment worth keeping to the extent that even we would love to try this out with our besties!

Ride Or Die

It is quite possible that madam here got exhausted from swimming and needed a ride to travel around. Or, she just wanted to try a new swimming stroke. Thanks to the underwater cameras that are waterproof, they could easily capture this incredible moment that most would miss out on.

Make sure this is performed by people who are confident underwater and can carry around a weight like this without suffocating. Let us hope the boy carrying her around was not tired while swimming underwater. Excellent click nonetheless, you talented photographer, whoever you are!

Embrace The Ferris Wheel

As we notice from behind, the woman in this lovely dress has some love for being clicked! She decides to stand in front of the Ferris wheel as if she were holding it and that is such an innovative idea.

We love how her hands are placed and well-aligned with each other. She looks like a strong woman trying to stop the wheel from taking a full circle. You might not have come across such a creative capture. Raise your hands if you are giving this photograph a shot! We most definitely are!


This picture is pure genius. The angles from which this picture has been captured is just perfect. The most striking part about this photo is how both the slippers and the woman’s hands are shaped in the form of an Indian greeting ‘namaste.’

Looking at this capture, it feels as if the woman is standing on the peak of the slippers and balancing it out. As much as the picture attempts to make everyone believe the former, we know it is close to impossible to pull off such a trick.

When A Yawn Steals The Show

Military folks are among the most disciplined people because of the strict customs and courtesies they adapt. They are known for displaying good manners, politeness, and respect. When standing in formation, military men are known to wear almost stoic expressions on their faces.

The photo above shows one soldier defying the norm because he couldn’t hold back a yawn. We can’t blame him, perhaps they had been standing for a long time and the boredom set it. Most likely, they began their day quite early and the fatigue might have eventually set in.

Do You See What I See?

Still, on pets, some people prefer the companionship of birds and to be more specific, parrots. They are highly entertaining and they learn tricks quite easily. There is also the fact that they are adept at mimicking sounds and essentially, they can “talk.”

Now, this lady pictured had her trusted feathered companion perched on her shoulder translating to a picture-perfect moment. The photographer struck picture gold when the framing ended up looking like a work of art. The bird is positioned in such a way that you have to look at the photo a couple of times to realize that what you are seeing is its eye and not hers.

When Some Guests are Fishy

Planning a wedding can get overwhelming but just about every couple admits that the big day is well worth it. The location is one of those make-or-break decisions, and for this couple, they undoubtedly chose the best place.

They seem to have had their nuptials at an aquarium with unique guests in attendance. Just when they were signing their marriage certificate, one of their aquatic guests decided to make a cameo in the backdrop of their photo. The adorable beluga stole the moment but we are sure the couple doesn’t mind keeping this photo as part of their memories from their special day.

Daylight Robbery

Many unforeseen things could go wrong when you are walking down the street going about your day. Take this man, for instance, he figured that the best way to quell the effects of the glaring heat was with a much-deserved ice cream cone.

He couldn’t have imagined that he would be the victim of a sly thief who would swoop away with his cone. A seagull was behind the daylight robbery which was fortunately captured in a perfectly-timed photo. The look on the man’s face as his hand is still clenched up from holding the cone is priceless.

Beach Frights!

The beach-goers must have been scared out of their bikinis on sighting a decapitated body with the head right next to it looking like something washed up from the sea. That is before the kids would chuckle at their fright and give the trick away.

Kids will be kids, which means they will always come up with creative stuff to do at the beach, what with all that space they have going on, just like these kids that got a little too creative to make us wonder what they watch on TV. Whatever it is, they almost fooled us with this one.

An Angel

Here is another example of a perfectly timed photo. First of all, let us start by acknowledging the photographer’s skills and his eye for the subject. The woman in this photo did not even know that she was in the frame, and someone has captured an astounding image that she would surely love. Why wouldn’t she?

With her in the middle of the wings on the wall, the lady seems like an angel from another world, paying a short visit to earth. We wish that someone would take such a picture for our feeds.

Linux Versus Windows Users

We aren’t sure about the exact origins of this photo but it’s been widely used to create hilarious memes mostly related to technology. The famous one is the Linux versus Windows users meme. The man standing alone represents Linux users while the people running represent Windows Users trying to get away from viruses/malware, which is the wave.

The timing of this photo is uncanny and the man who managed to escape the burgeoning wave’s path must simply be the luckiest person around. Even without knowing the background of this image, we can predict what happened right after this photo was taken.

Nature’s Photobomber

There’s nothing worse than going to an exotic destination and posing for a photo only to have a photobomber steal the moment. Nature’s photobombers particularly pique our interest like this reptile which chose this precise moment to leap from one stone to the next.

They say that photos can speak a thousand words but when it comes to this list they somehow leave us with just as many questions. We can’t help thinking about the reptile’s journey to that location and how long it had stayed perched on the wall. Regardless, the green reptile leaping with the backdrop of the picturesque blue ocean and the woman who was the intended subject created an epic photo.

Surf Showdown

Dolphins are known for their social nature, and they display it by communicating with whistles. Scientists still debate if they communicate as similarly as humans do. They are also gracefully sleek swimmers and they can reach speeds of 18 miles per hour.

Dolphins are also known to playfully spring up from the water to shake off pesky parasites or to communicate. That’s what seems to have happened above when the dolphin spotted a surfer riding the waves. It looks like a showdown between the two and undoubtedly a very beautiful shot.

Man Versus Wilderness

Just about everyone’s bucket list includes going on an African Safari. There are even better ways to get close up with the wildlife, like a visit to Kenya’s Giraffe Manor. The resident Rothschild’s giraffes at the establishment are known to roam around and poke their long necks through the windows hoping to get treats from the visitors.

Above we see these fascinating animals in their natural habitat snapped when a plane is flying low in the skies. It shows a contrast between man and wilderness, with the mother giraffe next to a baby giraffe watching the aircraft and it looks as if the mother is resting her chin on the plane!

Mermaid Spotting

Whales are also on the list of ocean creatures that are known for their friendliness and curious nature. They have even been spotted several times approaching sea vessels just to try and figure out what’s going on around them.

This whale’s curiosity got the best of it and that’s why we imagine it approached this swimmer. The photo was snapped just when the swimmer popped their head up and the dolphin’s tail is visible on the surface. Combined, we get an image of what many people believe exists – mermaids.

Nanoseconds Before the Disaster

This image undoubtedly has to be one of the greatest pictures on our list. One would ask, why? Well, that is because we all know that if this image was taken a minute later, there are chances that we would not see the woman looking so clean. It appears that she slipped and was on her way into the puddle, but someone made the best out of this scenario and captured a perfectly timed photo.

We are sure that when the lady sees her photo of nanoseconds before she was covered with mud water, she would love it!

Sign Her Up For The World Record

Is there a Guinness world record for the highest water projectile shot out by a woman’s mouth? If not, then we should sign this lady up for the record because, boy, that’s a fountain coming out of her mouth. Speaking of fountains, isn’t that one behind her?

Oops! She almost got us with that picture in front of a vertical water fountain, and from her pose, this lady knew it was going to come out as cool as it did. She, and whoever took this picture, get A-pluses for creativity.

The Eagle Selfie

We’ve all spent hours editing the perfect pictures for our social media, but every time we fail because of varying reasons. It appears that this woman got lucky with the bird and managed to capture a perfect image and that too without any Photoshop. We must say that it is impressive.

Besides that, we bet that when she uploaded the picture with the eagle’s face, many of her friends might have asked her to take one for them. But little do they know that she got lucky with the timing on the fifteenth floor, she’s standing on!

Man-Eating Kid

Who in their right mind does not love Doritos? The snacks are everyone’s favorite, but it seems that the kid in this picture loves them more than anyone on this planet. And that is because he likes to put innocent people into the bag. If you examine the picture closely, you’ll notice that he is grabbing a man from his neck and is about to drop him into the Doritos dungeon. Surprisingly, he looks happy with that!

Like every other kid on earth, we are joking; this adorable kid is also a kind-hearted person. We suggest you blame his mother, who took this timed picture!

Up and Up!

It appears that this woman is in a dollhouse and being picked up by a giant hand of a child. We know that it must have taken this couple a few hours to take this perfect picture. But we must appreciate their hard work and consistency since we all know that taking such images is not an easy task, as it requires patience and intelligence.

Here’s hoping that this giant hand does not accidentally drop this beautiful lady somewhere in the middle of the ocean, or maybe on a remote island out in nowhere!

The Flying Contortionist

Our four-legged friends are the easiest creatures to please. Just feed them, give them some loving attention, and they’ll return the favor. It’s the reason why most pet owners go a step further and train their pets not only to protect but also to be playful companions.

Most dogs have an instinct to fetch and that’s why they are the perfect teammates when playing games. This pup was enjoying a day at the beach when he decided to showcase his prowess when playing a friendly ball game. We don’t think that with the way its body is contorted he made a perfect landing or even caught the ball, but it’s a great photo!

Guess Who?

Athletes entertain us in a unique way by displaying their expertise at different sports. On the occasion, they also end up making us laugh thanks to the photos capturing them in awkward positions mid-play. The photo above was taken during one of the NBA Finals games in 2019.

Danny Green, the Toronto Raptors guard, is seen orchestrating an obvious foul against The Golden State Warriors guard Klay Thomspon. Photoshop experts must have had a field day creating memes out of this photo. Sadly, Thompson ended up with a torn ACL after the game but Green maintained that what the picture captured wasn’t foul play on his part.

The Look Of Anticipation

Pets have a special place in our hearts and we can’t get enough of their photos. In as much as they offer us companionship, we also know that the way to a pet’s heart is through their stomach. Most people use doggy treats to train and condition their four-legged friends.

This pup must have done something treat-worthy and its owner decided to toss him a much-deserved doggy bite. The look on his face as he waits in anticipation for the tasty piece of goodness is priceless. Thankfully, someone was there to capture the wonderful moment.

Memories Of Cujo

One look at this photo and a famous Stephen King masterpiece comes to mind. We are talking about Cujo which got a screen adaptation in 1983. We don’t imagine that the canines we are seeing above would go on a murderous rampage, but Cujo also started out as a friendly and lovable dog.

The dog in the background looks timid compared to the one in the foreground that looks like he’s growling ferociously. When you think about it, the photographer might have just framed the photo that way, and the dog in the foreground could have just been yawning.

Seeing Double

Going back to the vast Savannah plains found in Africa, zebras are one of the wild animals most of us would love to scope out up close. Zebras belong to the equids family meaning that they are closely related to horses. They are known for their striking white-and-black striped coats.

Interestingly, all zebras have unique and distinctive stripe patterns whereby no two zebras can be exactly the same. This photo makes us question that theory because the way the zebras are posing it appears like they have a single head and two bodies.

Resting On The Wave

These days just about anyone can become a photographer thanks to our smartphones. In fact, the majority of photos and videos that typically go viral are taken with a smartphone. This guy can also add his personal portrait to the list.

It looks like he’s resting peacefully on the growing wave of turquoise water. He must have seen the wave coming and decided to take a selfie as it washed him over. His timing is impeccable because he succeeded while keeping a calm composure. It’s undoubtedly different from most photos we’ve seen.

Dog Versus Rodent

One interesting fact about dogs is that they are often afraid of much smaller animals. That’s why your dog might not exactly keep mice away from your home because the pup would rather avoid the rodents entirely.

Above we see a Collie dog standing its ground against such a small creature. It looks like a mouse and when we look even closer it becomes apparent that it’s a stuffed toy! The dog must have come out victorious at the end of it giving us a picture of what a matchup between a pup and a real live rodent might look like.